I wanted to create a chronological photo gallery.
Unfortunately when I copied the files, I realized that all of them have the same date and time and different prefixes.
Fortunately I've noticed that all images I got, contains EXIF JPG information.
That is why I've created a ruby script, which changes images names, using Date Time, taken from EXIF information.
To read EXIF information use ruby exifr gem.
gem install exifr
Here is a code. Enjoy!
require 'rubygems' require 'exifr' inputDir = ARGV[0] prefix = ARGV[1].nil? ? "IMG" : ARGV[1] if (ARGV.length >= 1) Dir.glob("#{inputDir}/*.jpg",File::FNM_CASEFOLD).each() {|file| timeTaken = EXIFR::JPEG.new(file).date_time if (timeTaken.nil? & !EXIFR::JPEG.new(file).exif.nil?) timeTaken = EXIFR::JPEG.new(file).exif.date_time_original end if (timeTaken.nil?) timeTaken = File.mtime(file) end if (!timeTaken.nil?) filename = "#{inputDir}/#{prefix}_#{timeTaken.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.JPG" puts "RENAME: #{file} -> #{filename}" if(!File.exist?(filename)) File.rename(file,filename) else puts "ERROR: FILE #{filename} ALREADY_EXISTS!!!!" end else puts "ERROR: Can't get time for #{file}" end } else puts "JPG_RENAME.rb #IMAGES_FOLDER [FILE_NAME_PREFIX]" endLatest version gan be found here https://bitbucket.org/chesti/jpgrename
super!!! ;)